715-646-2630 | Hours: Mon-Fri 12-6, Sat 10-12 | director@centurialibrary.org
2024 Summer Reading Program

2024 Summer Reading Program

2024 Summer Reading Program Summer Reading begins on Monday, June 3rd! Stop by the library anytime before July 13th and pickup an entry form: earn one stamp for every book returned, five books completes an entry for our adult, teen, and kids gift baskets. Keep reading...
Share Your Library Love Story

Share Your Library Love Story

Your library story is powerful. Your stories help libraries share how library resources, spaces, and safe places support our community. Your stories are essential when for library budget advocacy, but also in meeting new library users. Share your library story...
2024 Explore MORE Passport Program

2024 Explore MORE Passport Program

From June 1-August 1, 2024: Take part in the wonderful Explore MORE 2024 Passport Program. Set out this summer and have an adventure! Visit Explore MORE participating libraries to collect passport stamps for a chance to win prizes. Discover our beautiful communities...
Fine Free!

Fine Free!

Centuria Public Library is proud to announce that we are now Fine Free! Going fine free eliminates a barrier to access that will ensure we are able to fulfill our mission to provide open access to services and materials for everyone in our community. Late charges will...
Job seeker resources at the library

Job seeker resources at the library

Start with Library Resources. Search for books and materials on finding a job, interviewing skills, test prep, and more available from your public library. Can’t make it to the library? No problem, access online resources to build workplace skills and explore...
Open with Safety in Mind

Open with Safety in Mind

Open regular hours with limited services. Staff and library users are asked to wear a mask and sanitize hands upon entering building. Curbside pick-up is still available, please call ahead. 3 patrons in the library at one time. 6 feet social distancing from...